Just had a little time to test my latest idea. I took an IKEA picture frame, mirrored car tint and the Weather station, put everything together and it works! It only took about 30 minutes… Next time I’ll have to be more careful with the mirror tint, this thing scratches easily. But in the linked tint you get about 3 meters you’ll have enough material to get it perfect!
Quick & Dirty Instructions
- Take the frame apart and clean the glass
- Cut the tint to the rough size of the glass
- Spray the glass with a mix of soap and warm water
- Use a tape to separate tint from support layer
- Carefully place tint with the glueing side on the glas
- Use the squeegee to get rid of bubbles
- Cut the extra tint around the glas
- Cut a whole for the OLED display connectors in the back of the frame (see picture below)
- Put everything back together
- Program the ESP8266 with the WeatherStation code. You can follow this tutorial to set everything up.
Back of the Magic Mirror with holes for the OLED display connectors |
Tint application instructions
If you want to have good results with the tint I recommend to watch a few videos on youtube like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N_KRoE1Uu4
Shopping List
- Frame with thick casing to have space for electronics, e.g. Ribba Frame from IKEA
- Mirrored Car Tint: Buy from the Squix Shop from Banggood.
- WeatherStation with OLED display from Squix Shop. Or buy ESP8266 (NodeMCU) and SSD1306 Oled Display separately form Banggood
For the Magic Mirror you just need a Picture Frame, Mirrored Car Tint and the WeatherStation Kit which you can order for USD 24.50 here |
Hi, which power Supply so i Need for the wetherstation Kit. I’m totally new to this Topic but like your mirror/ wetherstation Thing.
Hi Robin. If you use a NodeMCU or similar device with USB connector you can simply use an USB wall power adapter or USB powerbank.
Hey, genau das würde mich auch interessieren. Was benötigt man alles um die Wetterstation ohne pc zu verwenden? Die ganzen Anleitungen im Netz verwirren mich nur.
I plan to write an article about power supply for the ESP8266, so please check back with the blog to not miss it.