The Color Kit Grande is the latest update of the hardware kits which I started selling back in 2015. It started with the ESP8266 and a tiny B/W OLED display. A little later the ESP8266 Color Kit followed and added a bigger display with resistive touch screen to it. Buyers also had to do a bit of soldering to complete the kit.
Tag: ESP32
TTGO-LoRa32 V1.0 with TTN V3 and OTAA
If you are lacking good documentation it can be very hard to get started with a new device. I just couldn’t find a comprehensive example project for how to connect TTGO-LoRA32 V1.0 with the V3 version of the Things Network. So I hope this post …
ESP32: Adding a Spectrum Analyzer to Bluetooth Audio
The ESP32 platform offers a wide range of functionality almost out of the box. For instance you can turn a ESP32 with little effort into a Bluetooth Audio speaker. In this article I describing how I tapped into the digital data stream coming from a …
Designing the ESP32 Dev Board I always wanted
Recently I was asked: “What do you need a development board for?” For me the answer is very clear. I love short development cycles. It’s much faster to verify an idea on a bread board before you sit down and design a PCB. Designing a …
ESP8266 and ESP32: Interview with Sergey Lyubka from Mongoose OS
Hi Sergey, thank you so much much for agreeing to this interview! Can you tell us a bit about your role at Mongoose OS? I am a technical cofounder and CTO of a company behind Mongoose OS, and set the overall technical direction for the …
ESP32 unboxing!
Santa came early this year! Espressif has sent me one of the early test boards of the new kid in IoT town, the ESP32. Compared to the ESP8266 which kind of dominated the hacker space in the last 12 months the ESP32 is very powerful! …