The 0.96″ OLED displays I usually use for the WeatherStation are gorgeous but they could be bigger, right? Recently a bigger version of the SSD1306 based display became available on my favourite channels. Thanks to great work of the community (especially Fabrice Weinberg) the OLED …
Tag: SSD1306
ESP8266: SSD1306 Oled Library Release
The “ESP8266 OLED SSD1306″ is an open source library which allows you to control those pretty OLED modules from our beloved ESP8266 module. Fabrice Weinberg cleaned up all the ugly pieces of code which I initially wrote caused by my near C/C++ illiteracy. He also added support for …
ESP8266 Oled Display library: How to customize fonts
Many people were asking me to publish the code that creates the font files used in the SSD1306 OLED library. Well, I was hesitating since the code was a bit hacky. So I sat down and created an online tool which is now open for …
ESP8266: Fixing extended ASCII issues in SSD1306 OLED library
I got a few complaints that the esp8266-oled-ssd1306 library does not handle special characters such as Umlauts properly. It turns out that the Arduino IDE does handle characters in the extended ASCII range (from 128-256) as UTF8 characters which means that Strings containing such characters can …
ESP8266 Feature Preview: More Fonts for the Weather Station!
I’m working on a new version of the Weather Station code. The first shot was the jason-streaming-parser library which allows me to fetch bigger objects directly from the source without the need of an proxy PHP script. The next step is to add more features …
#ESP8266: Improving the WeatherStation Display
These tiny OLED displays are cool, but they are also… well… tiny. To get the most of the screen real estate I started working on a little framework that allows you to display different cards on a carousel, which then are transitioned from one to …
ESP8266, NodeMCU: how to create xbm images for displaying on OLED 128×64 I2C Displays
Do you know these wonderfully cheap SSD1306 based OLED displays with the crispy display? For a while now the NodeMCU Lua firmware for the ESP8266 supports them and has a rich feature set to draw lines, circles and even bitmaps. One way to draw bitmaps …