Yesterday evening the ESP8266 the data logger connected for the last time to Thingspeak and posted temperature and humidity. It has reported these values every 10 minutes for 2045 hours or in other words 85 days. This is nearly 3 months! ESP8266 posting temperature and …
Tag: AA batteries
ESP8266: Wifi data logger already running for more than 2 months on batteries!
More than 1440 hours or in other words 60 days ago I put 3 AA batteries from IKEA in the battery box of the ESP8266 test board and started a program that would send temperature and humidity every 10 minutes to Thingspeak through its Wifi …
ESP8266: Long Term Data Logger Test with Batteries
Today I started a (hopefully) long term battery test with the ESP8266 board I reviewed here. The conditions are: powered by 3 AA batteries (serial) every 10 minutes update temperature and humidity retrieved from a DHT11 to thingspeak go the deep sleep between the posts …