I’m using Feederator myself to send interesting posts to my Kindle to read it later. To do this you can simple drill into the detail view of a post. There you’ll find a social bookmarking widget, labled with “share”. In the popup select “more” and …
Tag: feederator
Plenty of new tricks for Feederator
This weekend Feederator learned a lot of new tricks. In my opinion the coolest new thing is that Feederator adds a lot of additional data to each post. You get a website preview in the list with the feed items. In case of movie feeds …
New Features: Searching the archive
I’m trying to improve Feederator.org. Sometimes changes are rather invisible to the end user. Sometimes new features extend the use of feederator rather dramatically. I enabled such a feature today: searching the archives with full text key words. To keep your inbox clean Feederator moves …
Combine Feederator and Sabnzbd+ to a One-Click-Download tool
Sabnzbd+ is a great tool if you are riding the usenet wave. Feederator on the other hand is a great tool to manage and moderate (RSS) feeds. This post will show you how to use the two tools to have a one click (movie/series/ebook) download …